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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Please leave us a comment...share your answers with us, or ask us a question.

1.)  We know that culture plays into humor.  Fr. Martin mentions the influence of Greek culture and early Christian community concerns for propriety in their message.  How do you feel that may have played into the Gospel stories? 
Can you imagine that the early church would be concerned with depicting a "too loose" version of Jesus who was the Messiah?

2.) Some of the Gospel passages that are cited are very familiar, can you imagine Jesus meaning to be humorous?  Why or why not?  Also, what do you think of the idea of the passages being overly familiar

3.)  Consider the passage about Jonah and the whale.  (pg 39-42)  Have you ever considered it to be comedic?  Do you have any new insights?

4.)  Using the image that Maureen O'Connell shares about "dinner party Jesus", consider what kind of guest Jesus is in your house.

Study in Joy

Please feel free to share your favorite praise Psalm.

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